7th - 9th July 2025
Conference theme:
AI and diversity in a datafied world of work: Will the future of work be inclusive?
Past Conferences - EDI 2024 Seville
Publication partnerships of EDI 2024 Universidad de Sevilla
Associated with this conference are European Management Review; Equality, Diversity, Inclusion: An International Journal. Outstanding, pre-selected papers for the conference will be submitted to these journals, which will then process them, according to their usual standards.
Deadlines of stream proposals and workshops
Stream and workshop proposals should be submitted to the conference chairs cgoldberg@us.es, mustafa.ozbilgin@brunel.ac.uk and admin@orgics.org. These should reach them no later than 26 January, 2024.
Decisions regarding streams/workshops and the launch of the call for papers will take place by 2 February, 2024.
Please note; once the streams published by 2nd February 2024 the abstracts and papers submissions will be open.Indicative framework for the processing of papers by stream chairs
Submissions to the conference may be in the form of long abstracts (5 pages minimum; length to be specified by stream and workshop chairs), as well as full papers, by the deadline of 23 March, 2024 now extended to 25 March 2024. All submissions will be subjected to peer review, organized by stream chairs, with two referees for each paper. The deadline for feedback to authors about paper acceptance or rejection is 5 April , 2024.
Each stream chair is also requested to submit a nomination for the best paper in their stream to cgoldberg@us.es, and mustafa.ozbilgin@brunel.ac.uk no later than 5 April , 2024.
Conference organisers and stream chairs have no influence on the review process of best papers submitted to partner journals. Publication decisions are made solely by the chief editor of the relevant journal and follow the journal’s review guidelines.
17th Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion conference
May 27-28-29, Seville, Spain
We thank all the delegates who submitted their fantastic papers, now looking forward to seeing you all in Seville
Conference theme 2024: Gender Equality across the Gender Spectrum
The EDI Conference seeks to provide an international, inter- and transdisciplinary platform for the exchange of ideas in the field of equality, diversity and inclusion in the world of work. The conference welcomes participation by academics, policy makers, and practitioners. The conference welcomes contributions that cover all aspects of diversity, however, in 2024, we draw particular attention to the concept of gender equality across the gender spectrum.
Despite the fact that ensuring fairness and prosperity for all people is a European Commission priority, there is much work to be done with respect to equality across genders and gender identities. For example, only 18% of senior executives in Europe are women (European Commission, 2022). Gender nonconforming people face even greater obstacles, with more than 75% reporting having experienced some form of workplace discrimination (National Center for Transgender Equality, 2023). In light of the fact that Spain has recently passed progressive legislation aimed at expanding the definition of sexual harassment and assault and at protecting the rights of transgender employees, Seville, Spain is the ideal setting to highlight gender and gender identity as our conference theme.
We invite academic streams and workshops which make empirical, theoretical or methodological contributions, to be presented in academic streams, as well as experiences of policy makers and practitioners, which can be presented in workshops or round table discussions
Streams are envisaged as following a traditional academic format, whereas workshops are open to more unconventional and informal procedures.
Stream chairs and workshop chairs will receive a reduced conference fee. Each stream or workshop may have up to three chairs.
There will be a doctoral colloquium parallel to the conference. Information on deadlines and modes of submission are available on the EDI website.
Information on deadlines and modes of submission are available on the EDI website.
Publication partnerships of EDI 2024 Universidad de Sevilla
Associated with this conference are European Management Review; Equality, Diversity, Inclusion: An International Journal. Outstanding, pre-selected papers for the conference will be submitted to these journals, which will then process them, according to their usual standards.
Deadlines of stream proposals and workshops
Stream and workshop proposals should be submitted to the conference chairs cgoldberg@us.es, mustafa.ozbilgin@brunel.ac.uk and admin@orgics.org. These should reach them no later than 26 January, 2024.
Decisions regarding streams/workshops and the launch of the call for papers will take place by 2 February, 2024.
Please note; once the streams published by 2nd February 2024 the abstracts and papers submissions will be open. Indicative framework for the processing of papers by stream chairs
Submissions to the conference may be in the form of long abstracts (5 pages minimum; length to be specified by stream and workshop chairs), as well as full papers, by the deadline of 23 March, 2024 now extended to 25 March, 2024. All submissions will be subjected to peer review, organized by stream chairs, with two referees for each paper. The deadline for feedback to authors about paper acceptance or rejection is 5 April , 2024.
Each stream chair is also requested to submit a nomination for the best paper in their stream to cgoldberg@us.es, and mustafa.ozbilgin@brunel.ac.uk no later than 5 April , 2024.
Conference organisers and stream chairs have no influence on the review process of best papers submitted to partner journals. Publication decisions are made solely by the chief editor of the relevant journal and follow the journal’s review guidelines.