7th - 9th July 2025
Conference theme:
AI and diversity in a datafied world of work: Will the future of work be inclusive?
Past Conferences - EDI 2018 Montreal
Indicative framework for the processing of papers by stream chairs
Deadlines for stream and workshop proposals
Stream and workshop proposals should be sent, in English or in French, to Dr Tania Saba, tania.saba@umontreal.ca no later than February 5th 2018, following the Guidelines for stream chairs.
Decisions regarding streams/workshops will be announced on February 12th 2018.
The launch of call for papers is due on February 19th 2018.
Les propositions d’axes thématiques au Colloque EDI 2018 peuvent se faire en anglais ou en français.
Deadline for call for papers
We invite you to submit your work to one of the streams or to the general conference streams before extended deadline May 7th, 2018.
Submissions to the conference can be in the form of full papers, developmental papers, case studies or long abstracts as specified by the Call for papers Guidelines by the extended deadline of May 7th 2018.
All submissions will be subjected to peer review organized by stream chairs with two referees for each paper. Deadline for reviews is May 20th 2018 (acceptance/rejection).
Les deux axes généraux (1 et 14) et certains axes thématiques accueillent des communications en anglais ou en français, veuillez consulter les indications à cet effet sur le site web. Celles faites en français devraient être accompagnées d’un résumé en anglais.
La traduction simultanée sera offerte dans certains ateliers.
Best paper nominations and submission of best papers to the relevant associated journal (as agreed by submitter) will be announced by June 30th 2018.
MONTREAL 2018, August 16 to 18
To continue discussions or to share your thoughts before, during or after the conference, we invite you to use # EDI2018 on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Looking forward to follow you!
Pour poursuivre les discussions ou pour partager vos réflexions avant, pendant ou après la conférence, nous vous invitons dès maintenant à utiliser le #EDI2018 sur Twitter, Instagram ou Facebook. Au plaisir de vous suivre!
Conference theme:
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in 2018: Progresses, Setbacks or New Challenges?
The EDI conference brings together current research examining the complex relationship between equality, diversity and inclusion from different theoretical, empirical and methodological approaches as well as across various disciplinary, interdisciplinary, international and comparative perspectives.
This year, as EDI conference enters a new decade, we welcome contributions that engage with all types of research questions. We wish to draw particular attention to the fact that despite all the research efforts as well as organizational and political initiatives aimed at promoting diversity, inequalities persist. Furthermore, while workplaces claim to pay more attention to diversity, new forms of discrimination and barriers, more complex and more subtle, make it more difficult to detect biases and prejudices.
A particular invitation is therefore extended to papers that explore the advances, setbacks, drifts and transformations facing diversity, equality and inclusion. We invite submissions that will examine the new challenges facing the promotion of all forms of diversity, as well as the analysis of experimentation with policies and practices that seek to address these objectives.
We welcome all themes that help to create spaces for the exchange of new ideas that contribute to building a critical analysis on diversity, equality and inclusion.
The Montreal EDI conference will hold a doctoral colloquium and a special one-day workshop where practitioners are invited to share with researchers issues and experimentations in terms of diversity, equality and inclusion issues in the workplace. The 2018 edition also welcomes proposals for pre-conference workshops.